
Track Your package

Standard Returns Policy

Returns can be arranged via in one single step.

Returns are subject to Sales and Refunds Policy. You can indicate your intent to return within 14 days of receiving your product.

If you do wish to return your order, or just certain items from it, please our contact us page to reach out. Make sure you provide the following details:

  • Your Order/ID Number.
  • The full billing address.
  • A contact phone number.
  • Upon receipt of your email, we will provide you with a return number.

Flexible shipping

Here we provide the shipping options our customers love. we use couriers that have an ideal mix of local and international carriers, offering the best combination of competitive shipping prices, flexible delivery timings without compromising on the speed of delivery.

Payment Methods

We are able to offer customers a wide variety of payment methods that's first a foremost secured, reliable, and flexible.

At Europe to Ghana, we have partnered with global to local payment platforms that powers businesses of all sizes. our payment systems are at the heart of a great commerce experience globally.

Get answers to all your questions you might have

We will answer any questions you may have about our online sales right here.
Monday to Friday from
09:00 to 21:00 UTC +2